Going out with a ‘bang’

Published 10:36 am Tuesday, August 15, 2017

WINTON – Good things come to those who wait.

For Helen White, that old adage played out here last week as the senior staff member of Hertford County local government’s Finance Office was named as the county’s Employee of the Year.

White, employed by the county for 27 years, said she was stunned when she heard her name announced as the annual winner of this prestigious honor.

“It was totally unexpected; this came completely out of leftfield for me,” said White who was seated in the audience at last week’s regularly scheduled meeting of the Hertford County Board of Commissioners where the announcement was made.

“I was shocked, totally shocked,” she added.

White, who will retire from her position as Staff Accountant on Aug. 25, said the honor is a great way to end her career.

“If you’re going to go out, you may as well do it with a bang,” she laughed.

White has spent all 27 years with the county in the Finance Office, where she specializes in payroll and accounts receivable.

“I’ve enjoyed my years here,” said White, a county native (Early Station community). “But the time has come for me to retire and I look back with no regrets. I’ll now have a chance to spend more time with my family and with my church. I’ll have a chance to get some things done around my house that I’ve put off all these years.”

White was among the four quarterly winners to vie for the annual honor. The others were Lisa Vinson, Elvira Spiers, and Tammy Eason.

“Congratulations to all our Employee of the Quarter winners from 2016-17,” said Commission Chairman Ronald Gatling. “Thank you all for what you’ve done for the citizens of our county. This award speaks volumes for the services you all provide our citizens each and every day.”

Commissioner Johnnie Ray Farmer added his congratulations to all the quarterly winners and then addressed White personally.

“Miss Helen, I told you if you stayed employed here long enough that you would win this,” Farmer remarked. “I get a chance to read all the nomination (forms) and we have some great employees all doing some great things. We don’t get to see in writing everything that all our employees do on a daily basis. Thank you for all you do for the citizens of Hertford County.”

“To the nominees and the winners, congratulations to each of you,” stated Commissioner Curtis Freeman. “To Miss Helen and our other outstanding employees, as I’ve often said we may be the governing body of this county, but you are the ones out there doing the real work. You are the ones that come face-to-face with the public day-to-day. You are the ones getting it done. You are the ones that make this board look good. I would stack our county employees against any county in the nation.”

Commissioner Bill Mitchell echoed the congratulatory remarks and then added, “Our employees have contagious personalities. I admire your desire to make this county a better place to live and work. You are all so multi-talented. There is no greater achievement than to be recognized by your peers.”

Commissioner John Horton agreed with his colleague’s last statement.

“The award itself speaks to your service. Thank you for all you do,” Horton said.

About Cal Bryant

Cal Bryant, a 40-year veteran of the newspaper industry, serves as the Editor at Roanoke-Chowan Publications, publishers of the Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald, Gates County Index, and Front Porch Living magazine.

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