Life’s culture war far from over

Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 2, 2005

With the passing of Terri Schiavo, America has entered a new chapter in the book of legislation and culture.

Though many, including some claiming to be Christians, questioned the purpose of the brain-damaged woman’s life, there is little doubt that her existence has forever impacted our culture.

Despite her inability to articulate thoughts and feelings the way she did 15 years ago, Terri’s new silence speaks volumes for those whose survival depends on the mercy of others, revealing a stark contrast between two worldviews that can no longer avoid collision.


In a face off between a culture of life and a culture of death, Terri’s case has signaled us that although the battle lines have been drawn, the war is far from over.

For those who view humanity as a creation in the image of God, life in all its forms possesses infinite worth, but to those who believe our existence is accidental, life is nothing more than a case of survival of the fittest, devoid of eternal value.

Hypothetically, if we follow this unprecedented case 30 years down the road, I wonder if society will have become so calloused that it will voluntarily eliminate anyone that doesn’t meet the subjective criteria of what we think life should be at that moment.

There’s no doubt in my mind the insensitivity we witnessed in the negligent death of Terri Schiavo is the fruit of a seed planted in the hearts and minds of a generation that bought the lie of Roe v. Wade on January 22, 1973.

What did we expect would happen to Terri and others like her with a precursor like that?

It’s amazing the same species that exalts its intelligence with accomplishments of scientific grandeur could make it to the moon and back in search of life on other planets only to miss the life staring it so plainly in the face.

How can a culture so consumed with improving the quality of life for those suffering with debilitating diseases and circumstance related handicaps through stem cell research be so quick to pull the plug on those whom would stand to benefit?

Was it not just a few months ago we were singing the praises of what science could do for our paralyzed Hollywood superhero Christopher Reeves?

How is it in the process of pushing the boundaries of technology to explore the possibility of life on other planets that we could miss the reality of the lives right in front of us?

What kind of heritage will we leave our children if we continue to embrace a culture of death? What kind of message does that send to the elderly, disabled, handicapped and the pregnant unwed mother?

Life should be valued at all stages, convenient or not. It is a blessing that only God can give and only he has the authority to take away.

If we don’t make it a priority to hold accountable injustices like abortion, euthanasia, and death by starvation and dehydration, it will only be a matter of time before it is our turn in line.