Local Relay gears-up for 2006

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 8, 2005

The Hertford n Gates Chapter of The American Cancer Society has a great deal to be proud of.

Committee Chair’s Bonnie Langedale and Maria Evans along with committee members Sheryl Langdale, Ray Felton, Evelyn Rawls, Melanie Storey and Ginny Cowper recently attended a Relay For Life Conference held in Raleigh.

This conference included training sessions as well as idea sharing with other relays throughout the state.


The conference also included a banquet in which awards were given in various categories.

Bonnie Langdale said, “The Roanoke Chowan area has something to be proud of,” as she was explaining the great accomplishments, the community has made in efforts to increase awareness and raise funds to fight cancer.

Each year awards are given to the top 10 events in various population categories.

Hertford n Gates Relay For Life ranked fourth in the nation in its category for the 2005 Relay For Life fund raising efforts.

“I was not ready for Hertford-Gates Relay For Life coming in 4th place for our population and that would be in the Nation,” she exclaimed. “Fourth place out of 4400 Relays (across the nation). WOW!!! They presented us with the plaque for our total money raised and per capita which was $6.83.”

The awards did not stop there.

Hertford n Gates Relay was presented with an award for North Carolina’s “All Around Excellence In Relay.”

The relay was also awarded for its Youth Involvement.

For the first time in 2005, a special Children’s Walk was held during the day on Saturday.

Children were asked to raise funds for the walk.

Each team at the Relay provided special activities for the children.

The Children’s Walk became a huge success with 147 registered children raising over $8,000.

Plans are to make this a part of the annual Relay For Life.

The Hertford n Gates Relay For Life is gearing up for 2006 with a Kick Off meeting on November 9 at 7 p.m. at Metal Tech in Murfreesboro. Light refreshments will be provided.

Anyone interested in becoming a part of one of the largest family events in the Roanoke Chowan area is encouraged to attend.

For those not familiar, Relay For Life is the largest fundraising event in the nation to benefit research and the advancement of cancer awareness and early detection.

It is a team event in which team members raise funds prior to the event.

The Relay begins on Friday afternoon with a Cancer Survivor introduction and Survivor Lap.

Team members then take turns walking throughout the 24 hours.

Another special time during the Relay is the Luminary Ceremony in which Survivors are honored as well as those whom have lost their battle to cancer remembered.

The Luminary bags remain lit throughout the night.

A variety of entertainment is held throughout the night and throughout Saturday.

Teams also hold various on site fundraisers including selling food, games, raffles and various other activities.

The event is then wrapped up on Saturday afternoon with a closing celebration.