Hours change at solid waste drop-off sites

Published 12:00 am Monday, July 9, 2007

WINTON – Changes to the Collection/Recycling Centers in Hertford County got an official endorsement Monday.

During the regular meeting of the Hertford County Commissioners, the board officially adopted new operation hours and schedules for the centers.

According to the new policy, sites one (Como) and six (Harrellsville) will be open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesday-Friday. Those two centers will be closed on Monday.


Sites two (Murfreesboro), three (St. John), four (Drive Inn Theatre Rd, Ahoskie), five (Newsome Grove Road, Ahoskie) and seven (Winton) will be open Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The transfer station scales will also have new hours as they will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The station scales will be closed on Saturday.

“These changes were discussed during the budget session,” County Manager Loria D. Williams said. “They were approved in the budget, but this is making it official.”

Another change adopted by the board involving solid waste is requesting exemptions in solid waste user fees.

“In the past, someone could come in at any time during the year and request an exemption,” Williams said. “Now those who request the exemption must do so by December 31.”

The amendment now reads, “If housing unit is unlivable or unoccupied with no electrical services as of July 1 of the taxable year and request is made prior to December 31 of said taxable year, a release will be granted upon verification from the owner along with a signed statement that the tax office will be notified if the housing unit is ever occupied at a later date.”

Commissioner John E. Pierce made the motion to make the changes with Vice Chairman Howard Hunter III offering a second. It passed by a 4-0 vote with Commissioner Johnnie R. Farmer absent.

In other business, the board:

* held a public hearing on the ROAP (Rural Public Assistance Program);

* canceled the board meeting scheduled for July 16;

* appointed Evelyn Rawls to the Hertford County Library Board;

* ratified the suggested appointment of Rebecca Parrish to the Albemarle Regional Library Board; and

* held a closed session to discuss personnel and consult with Attorney Charles Revelle.