Williams doing well

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 17, 2007

R-C News-Herald Editorial

Like many citizens, we considered the hiring of Loria D. Williams as Hertford County Manager dubious at best.

It seemed like moments after she was terminated in Warren County, Williams was brought to Hertford County and given charge of budget and staff.


There were more questions than answers surrounding the move and what she would do once she arrived in Hertford County.

Williams also had the unenviable task of replacing Don Craft, who had served the county so faithfully for many years. He was a popular county manager and a friend to many.

To her credit, Williams never shirked from any part of her new job or the history that followed her to Hertford County.

After a little more than a year on the job, Williams has proven the commissioners were right to put her in charge of county government. She has worked diligently to bring the county forward in areas where it has traditionally been lacking.

She has made progress even when that progress has been slow and painstakingly difficult in areas throughout the county.

When it was time for the 2007-2008 budget, Williams took the difficult step of asking each of her department heads to take a two percent budget cut. It was an unpopular and unprecedented decision, but it was one that was right for the citizens of Hertford County.

She presented a budget that was toned down to the last dollar and provided increases for only the very essential entities in the county.

The county manager has never once shrugged her obligation and has taken the stance of doing what is in the best interest of the citizens, even when it has sometimes been unpopular amongst her own staff.

We can’t say why Warren County’s Commissioners made the decision they made. We can only say that the loss of the citizens of Warren County has been the gain of the citizens of Hertford County.