Filing extension reaps dividends

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The extension of two filing periods paid dividends.

Hertford County’s Board of Elections extended the filing period for a seat on the Harrellsville Town Council when only four candidates filed for five open seats.

Northampton County did the same when only one candidate filed for two seats on the Seaboard Town Commission.


According to state statute, the county board of elections has the option to extend filing for five days in such events.

In Harrellsville, current Town Councilman Roy Worrells Jr., who had not filed to seek reelection, filed Tuesday afternoon to complete the five-candidate slate. Also on the ballot for the five seats are incumbents Deborah Baker, Jo M. Liles, Coleman Taylor and Mary Thompson.

Seaboard incumbent Commissioner William Lee Grant did not file for reelection. On Wednesday morning, Ed Stevens of Seaboard filed for the seat. R. Vick Harris II has also filed for one of the two seats available.

Though Hertford and Northampton’s respective boards did extend filing, the Bertie County Board of Elections did not. There will be seven seats that will be filled by write in including mayor and two commission seats in Colerain, the Lewiston District commissioner and At-Large commissioner in Lewiston, an Askewville commission seat and a Powellsville commission seat.

Those who have filed (with incumbents so denoted) are:

Bertie County

Askewville: Mayor n John Pierce (I); Commissioner: Rodney Thomas (I), Kay Brantley (I), third seat will be filled by write-in;

Aulander: Mayor n Larry Drew, Joe Jernigan (I), Ronald Poppell; Commissioner n Bobbie Parker (I), Jeanette Tinkham (I), Tony Todd;

Colerain: Mayor n will be filled by write-in; Commissioner: two seats will be filled by write-in;

Kelford: Mayor n Tommy Bracy; Commissioner: James Bland Jr. (I), Wayne Bland, Frank Harris (I), Linda Hathaway (I), Bailey Parker (I) and Tierce Ruffin (I);

Lewiston: Woodville District – Eddie Graham (I) and June Jernigan; Lewiston District n seat will be filled by write-in; At-Large Seat: will be filled by write-in;

Powellsville: Mayor n Thomas Asbell (I); Commissioner n J.T. Watford (I), James Peele, third seat will be filled by write-in;

Roxobel: Mayor n Gary Johnson (I); Commissioner n H.C. Boschen (I), Carroll Minton (I), Martha Parker, Sammy Pruden (I);

Windsor: Commissioner n Bobby Brown (I), Collins Cooper, Hoyt Cooper (I), Charles W.D. Fulk (I), Carroll Ronnie Williams.

Hertford County

Ahoskie: Mayor n Linda Blackburn (I); Ward A n Elaine Myers (I); Ward B n C.R. Askew (I) and Maurice Vann.

Cofield: Mayor n Hermea Pugh (I); Council n Anthony Archer (I), Nettie Combo Brickers (I), Stephen Lassiter, Darrell T. Partlow, Lee Watford Jr. (I);

Como: Mayor n Irvin Stephens (I); Council n Kevin Higbee (I), Susan Kennington (I), Stephen Pearce (I) and Ann Spruill (I);

Harrellsville: Mayor n Robert Dantz (I); Council n Deborah Baker (I), Jo M. Liles (I), Coleman Taylor (I), Mary Thompson (I) and Roy Worrells Jr. (I);

Murfreesboro: Mayor n Lynn Johnson (I), Bill Stephens and Libby Whitaker; Council n Craig Dennis, Molly Eubank, Lloyd Hill (I), Joe Murray, Gloria Odum (I), Bill Theodorakis (I), Robert Vincent, Sarah Whitley Wallace (I) and Terry Williams;

Winton: Mayor n Calvin Hall (I), Orlanda G. Reed; Council n Ernest Green (I), Charles Jones (I), Will Liverman, Wesley Liverman (I) and McCoy Pierce.

Northampton County

Conway: Mayor n Brian Bolton (I); Commissioner n Alan Harris (I), Billy Joyner (I), Phil Matthews, Gail Wade and Andy Woodard (I);

Garysburg: Mayor n Roy Bell (I); Commissioner n Lola Ausby (I), Jearline Brown (I), James Mayo (I), Darryl Whittle (I) and Iris Williams (I);

Gaston: Mayor n Danny Tolbert (I); Commissioner n Donald Conner (I), Jerry Dickerson, Frank Manning, Wade Mosely (I);

Jackson: Mayor n John McKellar; Commissioner n Bill Futrell (I), Stevie Harrell (I);

Rich Square: Mayor n Peggy Risper (I); Commissioner n Nannie Ellen Branch, Linwood Bryant, Charles Eason (I), Raymond Joyner (I), Victoria Newcombe, William Smallwood (I), J. Dudley Vick, Ricky Vick and Reginald White (I);

Seaboard: Commissioner n R. Vick Harris II (I) and Ed Stevens;

Severn: Mayor n George McGee (I); Commissioner n Harold Garris (I), Frank Ferguson (I), Eloise Martin (I), Troy Holloman (I) and Parker Watson (I);

Woodland: Mayor n Jay Jenkins (I); Commissioner n Joseph Blythe (I), Joseph Mitchell (I) and Carolyn Early Spruill.