Bertie Board approves old tax rate

Published 10:04 am Thursday, June 18, 2009

WINDSOR – The proposed Bertie County budget for 2009-10 sailed through here Monday night.

After a public hearing in which no one spoke about the proposed financial package, the Bertie County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the budget to take effect on July 1.

Board Chairman Norman M. Cherry Sr. declared the public hearing open a few minutes past 7 p.m. and recognized County Manager Zee Lamb.


“As for highlights of the budget, the proposed budget is approximately $2 million less than last year and represents no tax increase,” Lamb said.

The tax rate remains 78 cents per $100 valuation on an estimated property tax value of $1.095 billion in the county.

He then said he would be glad to take questions from either the board or the citizens.

“Being as involved as we are in the budget, I think we are aware of it and understand it,” Cherry said. “If there are any citizens who would like to make comments, however, we’ll be glad to hear them.”

Cherry waited for a few moments, but no comments ensued.

Following the close of the public hearing, Commissioner J. Wallace Perry made a motion to adopt the budget with Commissioner Rick Harrell offering a second. It passed without objection.

The budget ordinance includes a projected $14.56 million in general fund revenues, the bulk of which ($7.1 million) will come from ad valorem sales tax. The county also expects $1.475 million in revenue from the landfill fees and just over $1.2 million in combined sales tax.

The county also anticipates $3.25 million in revenue from state and federal assistance for social services funding as well as adding $1.4 million of local funds.

As for expenditures, the county agreed to appropriate $2.88 million in current expense funds to the Bertie County Schools in 12 equal monthly installments. That is a five-percent increase over last year’s budget and represents one of few departments that will see an increase in the new budget.

Also receiving slight increases are the Bertie County Sheriff’s Office, who will be appropriated $1.63 million in the new budget and the Bertie County Board of Elections who will get just under $106,000.

Appropriations exceeding $1 million include: Social Services Department ($1.4 million) and other agencies ($4.93 million).

Other appropriations include:

Bertie County Tax Office – $471,017;

Public Buildings and Grounds – $317,290;

Emergency Management – $380,272;

Solid Waste – $471,000;

Council on Aging/Nutrition – $364,532; and

School Capital Reserve – $350,000.

The budget also sets aside $552,110 to pay debt service on the new Bertie Middle School and pays QZAB debts on the middle school, elementary schools and Bertie High School.