Golden LEAF studies Northampton projects

Published 9:28 am Thursday, December 17, 2009

JACKSON — It will be back to the drawing board for those behind the proposed projects submitted for Golden LEAF funding in Northampton County.

On Tuesday, Golden LEAF President Dan Gerlach gave the feedback to the crowd of participants on the 26 projects that have been submitted. Meanwhile, Golden LEAF officials have declared the “door closed” on more projects being submitted for the up to $2 million Community Initiative Assistance grant.

By the end of the meeting there was a consensus to reevaluate the projects and possibly have groups come together to combine projects that have similarities.


“I think what we heard tonight is that we need more information,” said Pat Cabe, Golden LEAF Vice President of Programs/Community Assistance & Outreach. “You all need to tell us what is important and why it is important.”

Project Facilitator Amy Nagle listed the top aspects that needed to be worked on in the projects. Among them were creating compelling arguments (how the project is going to move the needle in the county), collaborating with each other on projects that fall into the same zone, leverage, sustainability (how is the project going to survive after the grant money ends, look at governmental function and public land versus private.

A new timeline for the participants was also sketched out with revised proposals completed by February 8, 2010, a second feedback session as well as a selection of a review team scheduled for Feb. 16. The tentative date for proposals to go before the Golden LEAF Board of Directors is the first week of June.

Under the category of jobs/economic development the following seven projects were submitted:

Northampton County Economic Development Commission (EDC) requested $317,000 for Economic Assistance Resource Network project, which would provide a space for the Northampton County Tourism Development Authority, Chamber of Commerce and EDC.

The EDC also proposed $294,498 for the North Carolina Center for Automotive Research (NCCAR) project; proposed $312,493 for the Northampton Commerce Park Infrastructure improvements; proposed $86,500 for the Northampton Commerce Park Masterplanning; and $63,500 for Tri-County and Halifax-Northampton Regional Airports Infrastructure Improvements.

Roanoke Economic Development, Inc. proposed $170,000 for a Northeast Supplier Network project.

UHURU Community Development Corporation proposed an Entrepreneurial Empowerment Project with a Golden LEAF request of $83,125.

Under education and technology the following two projects were proposed:

Love Thy Neighbor proposed The Champion in You project with a Golden LEAF request of $390,250.

Northampton County Schools proposed a KIPP Gaston College Prep/Northampton County Schools Achievement Challenge with the request of $1.18 million of the grant.

Emergency services had its share of projects with eight projects submitted:

Conway-Severn Volunteer Rescue Squad (CSVRS) proposed the “ACES” (Advance Community Education Systems) project with a request of $28,372.

CSVRS also proposed a project called Operation Serve with Safety with a request of $72,381; a “Romeo 3”-Response Ready Responders with a request of $50,457; a Staff Station 3 Resolution which requires a request of $867,000; and a $131,215 for a “SWET TEAM”-Special Water Evacuation Team.

Gaston Volunteer Rescue Squad proposed $30,000 for the installation of sprinklers to prepare the building for full-time employees.

Lasker Volunteer Fire Department submitted a proposal of $46,800 for new suits for the department.

Northampton County Emergency Medical Services System proposed a Cardiac Care Project with a Golden LEAF request amount of $567,000.

Under the community services category, nine projects total were proposed:

Green Waters Adult Day Care submitted a project for an adult day care program of the same name, requesting $90,000 of the Golden LEAF grant.

The J.W. Faison Senior Center proposed a construction of a computer lab with a request of $237,480.

The Lake Gaston Community Center requested $279,000 for the upfit of the center to expand community services.

Northampton County submitted a proposal to renovate the library and build an addition with a request of $542,378.

Northampton County Schools proposed Rich Square W.S. Creecy Summer Camps with a total request of $250,000.

The Town of Garysburg proposed a site to hold community college classes with a total amount of $32,000 requested.

The Town of Garysburg also proposed the establishment of a health clinic with the amount from the grant being $32,500; proposed a satellite branch of the Northampton County Library in the town with a request of $32,500 and proposed $34,000 for the recreation program in the town.