Demolition bid awarded

Published 10:40 am Saturday, April 17, 2010

WINTON – After extensive discussion in recent weeks, the Hertford County Board of Commissioners awarded the bid for demolition of the MST building in Murfreesboro last week.

The board had tabled the decision at a previous meeting due to lack of information about some of the bids.

On April 5, the board moved forward but chose to reject two low bids because they did not meet specifications.


The lowest bid came from Dale Harrell of Murfreesboro and was at a fee of $4,350 while the next bid came from GBS Construction of Ahoskie at $8,000. Next was the bid of Mobley Construction Company of Como at $8,500 and then Trico Grading of Ahoskie at $14,500.

Hertford County Manager Loria D. Williams said she had gathered more information about the bid and felt the best choice would be to award the bid to GBS Construction.

Commissioner Curtis A. Freeman, however, pointed out that the GBS Construction bid did not include several items including testing, bonds, permits and fill dirt and seeding.

“For a difference of only $500, it seems that Mobley would be the more comprehensive bid,” Freeman said.

Williams said she felt Freeman was correct and withdrew her recommendation.

Commissioner Howard Hunter III made a motion to award the bid to Mobley with Commissioner William F. Mitchell Jr. offering a second. The motion passed by a unanimous vote.

“Let’s get going on that right away,” Commission Chairman Johnnie R. Farmer told Williams after the vote.

The manager said she would get the contractor started as soon as possible.

Hertford County came to own the property due to tax foreclosure.

In other business, the board:

* heard an statement from Commissioner Freeman about the good work done by the Hertford County EMS at a wreck near Franklin, Va.;

* approved a tax penalty release;

* agreed to the Child Support Enforcement contract; and

* met as the Board of Equalization and Review.