Cotton blooms make early arrival

Published 9:03 am Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Either local farmers got an early start planting their cotton crops this year or the blooms simply decided to make an early appearance.

Traditionally, cotton blooms in this part of the state are reported around the week of July 4th. However, tradition was broken this year with the earliest bloom reported June 20 to the Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald.

The “first bloom” honor went to Jacob Burgess of Burgess Farms in Conway. He reported the first cotton bloom of the season in the Roanoke-Chowan area on June 20.


Over in Bertie County, the first reported bloom was made on June 22 by Herbie Tayloe of TNT Farms near Hexlena. This marks the second consecutive year that Tayloe has spotted the first cotton bloom in Bertie County, as reported to the Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald.

On June 27, Jason Howell of C.D. Howell & Sons Farm reported the first cotton bloom in Hertford County.

Three days later (June 30), Jack Smith reported the first cotton bloom in Gates County. That bloom was discovered on his wife’s (Carole Carter Smith) farm on Zion Road. Richard and Vann Riddick farm the land for the Smiths.

For reporting the first bloom, Mr. Smith earns a one-year free subscription to the Gates County Index.

Burgess, Tayloe and Howell will each receive a free, six-month subscription to the Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald for reporting their respective blooms.