Task Force deserves accolades

Published 12:47 am Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Roanoke-Chowan Domestic Violence Task Force is an important entity in our region.

The Task Force, which serves Bertie, Hertford and Northampton counties, aids those who have been victims of domestic violence and also is vital in trying to reform those who are offenders.

The assistance of a $139,000 grant from the Governor’s Crime Commission will allow them to continue their efforts to provide a Coordinated Community Response Team. That team allows Victim Advocates to be among the first responders when a call involving domestic violence comes in to one of the sheriff’s offices.


Judge Alfred W. Kwasikpui and the other members of the task force have taken this issue seriously and have endeavored to provide the best coordination of services available in the region.

They should all be commended for their work.

Currently, board member Sheila Manley-Evans leads the offender’s program. Her support of Director Jo Liles and the staff is extremely important and their work is greatly appreciated.

Avis Murphy is the board member who serves as Chair of the CCRT, which is coordinated by Jaime Heckstall. The work of those two individuals and the two Victim Advocates – Shirley Williams and Michelle Earley – will mean a world of difference to those who have been victims of domestic violence.

We believe the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation will be greatly satisfied with the return they have received on their investment in the Task Force. We think they will be so pleased, they may decide to send additional funds to our local agency.

Thank you to those who serve to protect the rights of those who have already suffered a terrible injustice.

– The Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald