Windsor hosts Walker Brothers Circus

Published 12:12 am Saturday, September 18, 2010

WINDSOR – An exciting time for children and adults alike will be heading to Windsor next week.

The Walker Bros. Circus will provide entertainment under the Big Top at Davis Park on Tuesday, September 21. The events are scheduled for 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. at Davis Park.

The Windsor-Bertie County Chamber of Commerce will be hosting the event which features a variety of performers including Jasmine, the mystifying act of agility and strength, the Electrifying Paolo, who will astound audiences with his juggling dexterity and dance moves, and the flexibility of the youngest contortionist in the world.


With advance tickets, children 14 and under are free when accompanied by a paying adult (two free tickets per adult); adult (age 15 and up) tickets are $12. Those tickets are on sale at the Chamber office (102 North York Street). Advance ticket sales close at 5 p.m. Monday, September 20.

At the gate, children are $5 and adults $14. Children under age two are admitted free.

“This will be fun for the entire family,” Chamber Executive Director Collins Cooper said. “We hope everyone will take advantage of this opportunity to see a circus act right here in Bertie County.”

For more information, call the Chamber office at 794-4277.