Carter ponders hiring freeze
Published 9:00 am Thursday, September 23, 2010
JACKSON — Will the Northampton County Board of Commissioners agree to a hiring freeze?
The answer may come after the results of their upcoming audit.
On Monday, Commissioner Robert Carter asked his colleagues to consider the thought of a hiring freeze on county positions.
The issue came up after Carter said he saw an advertisement for a maintenance position.
“I would like to throw this out to the board, unless it is extremely, extremely necessary if those positions could be delayed considering the economic crisis that we’re in,” Carter questioned.
“Are you suggesting a hiring freeze,” asked County Manager Wayne Jenkins.
“That’s what I’m throwing out here for the board,” Carter responded. “I’m not saying do it now, but it’s something we need to look at.”
Jenkins said that could be done. However, he reminded the board that every position was justified during the last budgeting process and funds had been budgeted for each of those positions.
Jenkins noted the maintenance position was a replacement and not a new position. He recommended that the commissioners wait until after they heard the upcoming audit, which is expected in the next several weeks.