Filing period opens for HC municipalities

Published 9:13 am Tuesday, June 28, 2011

WINTON – Filing will begin here Friday for elections in five of Hertford County’s municipalities.

Como, Cofield, Harrellsville, Murfreesboro and Winton will begin filing for mayor and town board at 12 noon on Friday. Those wishing to seek office in the town of Ahoskie will file later this month due to new state regulations.

In Como, there will be five seats available. Mayor Irvin L. Stephens Sr. and four council members – Kevin Higbee, Susan W. Kennington, Stephen F. Pearce and Ann E. Spruill – are serving terms that expire at the end of the year.


The same is true in the town of Cofield where the mayor and town board are elected for two-year terms. Mayor Hermea Pugh Sr. and Town Council members Anthony Archer, Nettie Teen Combo Brickers, Stephen Lassiter, Darrell T. Partlow and Hermea Pugh Jr. will be up for reelection.

Harrellsville will see Mayor Robert D. Dantz up for reelection as well as Town Council member Deborah A. Baker, Jo M. Liles, Coleman Taylor, Mary L. Thompson and Roy Worrells Jr.

Municipal elections in Murfreesboro will see the town choosing a mayor and five members of the town board. Mayor John Hinton was appointed by the board to fill the unexpired term of Lynn Johnson, who resigned after being elected two years ago. His term expires this year.

Also expiring are the terms of board members Molly Eubank, Lloyd L. Hill, Gloria Odum, Bill Theodorakis and Sarah Whitley Wallace.

In Winton, Mayor Calvin Hall’s term expires in 2011. So do the terms of Councilmen Ernest Green, Charles B. Jones, Wesley Liverman, Will Liverman and McCoy Pierce.

Filing will begin Friday and will continue through Friday, July 15 at 12 noon. Those wishing to be candidates must file at the Hertford County Board of Elections Office on King Street in Winton.

The office is open from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. each weekday, but will be closed from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. each day for lunch. The office will also be closed for Independence Day on Monday, July 4.