Knowledge is power
Published 9:28 am Thursday, October 13, 2011
It’s the right of each and every American citizen of legal age to take part in the process of choosing individuals to represent their best interests at the local, state and national levels.
The political power lies not in the hands of those elected to office, but rather to those individuals who took the time to go to the polls on election day. The right to cast that ballot, to choose the next leader, is something not to be taken lightly.
Too often we choose leaders because of the way they look. Remember that beauty is only skin deep.
Too often we cast our ballots towards a particular candidate due to their gift of gab. Please keep in mind that substance lasts longer than lip service.
Too often we place a check mark next to a candidate’s name because someone else told us to make that choice. If that’s the case, then you are nothing more than a warm body who has surrendered perhaps the greatest right you have as an American.
The best course of action – whether you are helping to seat a municipal government official, a county bureaucrat, a state representative or the highest ranking leaders of this nation – is to arm yourself with all the information possible on each candidate seeking office.
When in doubt, ask questions of that candidate. In today’s world of politics, most every candidate has a web site. Visit those electronic pages and closely study what these individuals stand for and believe in.
We also encourage participation in political forums. One such event is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 18 at the Ahoskie Inn where this newspaper and the Ahoskie Chamber of Commerce will co-host a mayoral debate between the three individuals seeking that seat in Ahoskie.
Listen closely to the questions and answers at that forum….study the political posturing of each of those candidates. Armed with that information, voters can then feel more at ease on election day when placing a mark next to the name of the candidate that best conforms to their ideals.
Always remember that knowledge is power.
-The Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald