‘Wise’ remarks

Published 9:25 am Thursday, December 1, 2011

To the Editor:

In response to Ms. Wise’s negative views on Thadd White’s article on Mr. Zee Lamb, I think that if Ms. Wise had lived in Bertie County all of her life she would be more informed about things in the county.

I have had the opportunity as a Bertie County School Board member to work closely with Mr. Lamb on several occasions.  Mr. Lamb is a very knowledgeable person in many fields.  As County Manager, having a law degree has been a big asset to the people of Bertie County.


A lot of things have taken place during his tenure in Bertie County….the main thing that sticks out is a very stable tax rate that has not increased 1 cent in 10 years.

As far as informing the people of the county of his raise, that is not his responsibility.  Minutes of meetings are public information.  They can discuss it in closed session, but it must be voted on in open session. I do not blame Mr. Lamb for taking the raise that was offered to him.  I do question the figure that you used in the paper as being the raise he received.

The little citizens group you referred to in the paper, which probably does not consist of more than 25 people, are always trying to stir up trouble.  They tried to do it with the school system, but were stopped at the last minute by the school board so now they are after the county commissioners.

As a “lifetime” resident and a tax payer of Bertie County, I have not had a problem with Zee Lamb and I have had no problems with the County Commissioners, except Wallace Perry.  I think they have done a very good job of moving forward and keeping the county solvent in a very tight economy.

In closing, I would like to ask you Ms. Wise – How long have you lived in Bertie County?  And if you don’t like Bertie County why are you still here?

As far as I am concerned Thadd White was right on the money with his article.


Alton H. Parker
