Board receives budget recommendations

Published 10:37 am Tuesday, February 21, 2012

JACKSON — The Northampton County Board of Commissioners have approved a budget formulation and guidance for the upcoming 2012-13 fiscal year.

On Monday, the commissioners were presented with County Manager Wayne Jenkins budget recommendations for Northampton County Schools and county departments.

Jenkins recommended $3.16 million in current expense for Northampton County Schools and $345,000 in capital outlay.


He noted last year’s funding was the same as approved in the commissioners’ budget ordinance. However, with mediation the school district was allowed to transfer $200,000 from capital outlay into their current expense budget. A special appropriation of $100,000 was also given by the county to the schools as required by mediation.

Under general county government, Jenkins recommended a mileage increase from 48 cents to 50 cents per mile.

“Matter of fact, there’s not been an increase in this expenditure for the last five years,” Jenkins said about the mileage recommendation.

He recommended critical capital outlay for building and facility needs.

A 2.5 percent cost of living increase for employees was also on Jenkins’ list.

“This is the first time it’s been in the budget formulation guidance in four years,” he said.

Jenkins also asked the commissioners consideration for approved position re-classifications, consideration for justified and approved new staff positions and county departments operating budgets being prepared using zero based budgeting standards.

Commissioner Fannie Greene moved to approved the recommendations for budget formulation.  Commissioner Robert Carter offered a second and the motion passed without objection.