One more nickel

Published 10:56 am Monday, March 12, 2012

JACKSON — Students who attend Northampton County Public Schools will be paying five cents more beginning next year.

On Monday, the Northampton County Board of Education voted to approve a five cent increase, which is federally mandated, bringing the price of lunch to $1.70.

Last year, board members grappled with a possible 25 cent increase in lunch school prices. The school district’s price for a paid lunch was then $1.60.


Assistant Superintendent Phil Matthews brought the recommendation before the board which is set in lieu of section 205 of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-296), which requires schools to raise their paid lunch prices to the same as federal reimbursements for free lunches. The federal reimbursement is $2.76.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is allowing school districts to gradually increase their lunch prices in order to meet that federal reimbursement.

The final ruling on the law was that the school district can raise the price two percent of the current average paid price. The board agreed last year to raise the price five cents.

Vice Chair Marjorie Edwards moved to approve the increase. The motion was seconded by Lafayette Majette.

“You know how I feel about this,” said board member Rhonda Taylor, who voiced her opposition to the hike last year, to her colleagues.

Taylor along with board member Erica Smith-Ingram opposed the measure. The motion carried in a 5-2 vote.