Harris-Rollins to retire

Published 10:39 am Friday, June 8, 2012

WINDSOR – Dr. Debbie Harris-Rollins has announced her retirement as Superintendent of Bertie County Public Schools.

Thursday evening, Dr. Harris-Rollins told the Bertie County Board of Education of her decision and invoked the 90-day clause in her contract meaning she will retire in September. The school board was meeting following a joint session with the county commissioners to discuss the new high school.

A statement released by Bertie County Schools Friday morning said Harris-Rollins is retiring to “return to her favorite past times – travel and foreign missions.”


The superintendent was hired in March of last year and arrived in April. She has served the district since that time after coming from a stint as Assistant Superintendent with Hertford County Public Schools.

Initially hired on a 3-2 vote by the school board, Harris-Rollins had her contract extended to four years by a unanimous vote in July of the same year.

Despite her contract, the superintendent has decided to retire.

“In years past, Dr. Harris-Rollins has served as a member of the water well digging team in Zimbabwe, a prayer walking team in France and Israel, a VBS team in South Africa and in many other roles across the globe,” the statement read. “Since arrival in Bertie, time has not been available for travel or missions. She reported to principal earlier this week that both the road (ocean, rail and air) and missions are calling.”