Dr. Alston: “Lifesaver!”

Published 7:26 am Monday, May 6, 2013

To the Editor:

If everyone wrote a letter to the editor that Dr. Mike Alston has helped in the last 30 years there would not be enough room to cover all those he has helped or saved lives.

The one life he has saved is my mother’s. In the last few months my mother had not been feeling well and did not know exactly what was wrong. Dr. Alston advised that she consult a cardiologist and set up the appointment for her to see Dr. Shamas at the Heart Center in Greenville. The day after her appointment with Dr. Shamas she was admitted into the hospital and had heart surgery within a few days.


The surgery saved her life and I can only thank Dr. Mike Alston for his persistence in her seeking further medical care.

I can say that he is a compassionate, caring doctor and our community is very fortunate to have him.

As far as character witnesses not being there for him and he was very ill-advised, the whole community would have been there for him if we were called upon. He is a fine doctor and a well respected man in this community and I thank him for saving my mother’s life.

There is not enough money that a lawsuit can bring that could replace the lives of those he has helped and saved.

Maria Evans
