Biden’s path forward

Published 4:21 pm Friday, July 12, 2024

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To the Editor:

Since President Biden lost the Presidential debate to former President Trump on June 27, countless MAGA (Make America Great Again) Republicans and a dozen or so Moderate to Conservative Democrats have asked Biden to step aside and pass the torch to a younger candidate.

Reportedly, naysayers believe that Biden has cognitive and neurological deficiencies that may lead to a defeat by Trump in November 2024.

Biden was “skating on thin ice” prior to his disastrous debate performance. What is Biden’s path to victory?

I was flabbergasted when I learned that Biden was scheduled to debate Trump, who had been convicted of 34 felonies by a Manhattan Grand Jury. Additionally, he must attend other trials within the next 12 months. This man could serve prison (or jail) time.

If I were Biden’s campaign manager, I would have argued against undermining the integrity and prestige of the presidency by debating a convicted felon. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to conclude that Trump should have been disqualified from participating in the debate and seeking further political office.

Why does Biden have an abysmally low approval rating? The answer to this question will provide context about why Biden would suffer a landslide defeat against Trump if the election were held today and simultaneously bespeak how Biden could make substantive, strategic improvements.

According to Yahoo!Finance, since Biden became President, prices are now up nearly 20 percent. Inflation, shrinkflation, and economic woes paint a dismal picture of America today. Thousands of Americans are reminded of this when they visit grocery stores and gas stations.

Biden should provide policy solutions to promote affordable housing, help the homeless (especially veterans), feed the hungry, assuage the anxieties of those living paycheck to paycheck, and ameliorate the quality of life for our precious senior citizens.

President Kennedy was quite prophetic when he, in his Inaugural Address in 1961, said, “If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.”

If Biden dismisses the aforementioned bread-and-butter concerns, he will lose in November. Biden should take the top five issues of importance to his base of supporters and exemplify solutions through speeches in pivotal areas around the country. Surrogates must accept the same responsibilities.

Further, Biden should not participate in further debates with Trump to avoid having the debates devolve into a circus or side show.

The R&B quintet, Blue Magic, released “Sideshow” in 1974. Though I cherish the lyrics in the song, Trump probably loves the song for selfish, pernicious reasons.

Last but not least, Biden should learn from President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society program, compromised by the war in Vietnam. In other words, we could use some of the billions of dollars that Biden has given to Ukraine to fatten wallets and uplift marginalized communities in the United States.

Keith W. Cooper

Greenville, NC