Communication, or a lack thereof

Published 4:13 pm Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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To the Editor:

The Northampton County Board of Commissioners composed of Chairman Charles Tyner, Vice Chair Geneva Faulkner, William “Ed” Martin, Kelvin Edwards, and Melvetta Taylor, some if not all have said at meetings “Contact us, tell us, what you need, your concerns, we are here to help Northampton County.”

Let me tell you first hand you can use the county website, to located published emails that are for each commissioner and see if they answer you. Hopefully a BIG prospective business hasn’t emailed them concerning buying land and moving their business to Northampton County because it’s doubtful if any will answer.

Chairman Tyner has not answered any emails I sent to him. My numerous emails eventually got a response sent by the county attorney, not a reply from each county commissioner or county manager as requested.

These commissioners are elected officials that WE elected to represent us.

I recently sent each an email requesting proper email and telephone numbers of each county commissioner. NO REPSONSE. Only after repeated emails did the county attorney reply the following:

“Mr. Woodard – Neither I nor the County Manager are at liberty to disclose the personal telephone numbers or email addresses of the County Commissioners. You have been provided with the County-issued email addresses for all Commissioners and any telephonic requests should be directed to the County Manager’s office at 252-534-2501. To my knowledge, the Commissioners have been made aware of all of your recent correspondence. Whether they choose to engage with you further about your complaints is entirely up to them.”

This is how our county elected commissioners choose to communicate? As a tax-paying citizen I feel it’s within my right to make comments, lodge a complaints, make suggestions or one that just wants updated information.

You can view the county commissioners’ meetings on their YouTube channel search: Northampton County Local Government.

Citizens of Northampton County, let’s communicate, it’s time for a CHANGE

Ronnie Woodard
