Fire tax vs. public safety vs. local volunteerism

Published 3:48 pm Tuesday, July 30, 2024

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To the Editor:

Recently, the Severn Volunteer Fire Department came before the Northampton County Board of Commissioners to establish a Fire Tax District. We completed the required public notifications and held the public meeting May 20, 2024. Other than the firemen, no other citizens showed up for the public hearing to voice their concerns or approval of the proposed fire tax.

On June 27, 2024 the Northampton County Board of Commissioners held their public hearing for both Severn and Conway citizens supposedly affected by the proposed fire tax. Immediately, the Fire Chief of Seaboard, Johnnie Lassiter made comments that Severn was infringing on their service area, saying they now couldn’t expand or grow.

Several other citizens whom reside in Margarettsville voiced their concern as to why they would have to pay Severn fire tax when Seaboard is much closer and they have several Seaboard VFD members who reside in Margarettsville. One even said that when an alarm sounds, Severn VFD members have to get up, go to the station, dress, and then drive to the scene of the call.

Well, unless Seaboard VFD mans their department 24-7 with members already dressed, all volunteer departments must leave their jobs or home, drive their personal vehicles to the station, get dressed and then drive to the fire, wreck or EMS scene.

Do citizens understand that they already pay county taxes of over $4.5 million for EMS protection to Northampton County Local Government at the rate of $.088 per $100 evaluation? There are currently no volunteer rescue squads in Northampton County.

Do citizens understand when you call for EMS that they are paid by the county and you will get a bill for services even though you are already paying taxes for same? Yet there are times when the EMS needs help in lifting a patient and they call the volunteer fire department for lift assist. We may arrive at your residence with several fire vehicles and numerous personal vehicles to assist EMS with lifting your loved one and leave most of the time not even getting a thank you from anyone. Just think a minute of all the fuel and expense that was used by the volunteers to come assist you in your time of need, or whether or not if it was a false fire alarm generated by your home security system.

There are 10 volunteer fire departments in Northampton County. Eight have long established fire tax districts. The last two, one of which is Severn, has gone too long relying on dwindling donations.

Our community support, financially and volunteering, has been lacking for several years resulting in our need to go to a fire tax district. What few members that we still have spend many hours at fund raising events trying to raise funds when we need to concentrate on training.

Next time you see us on an accident scene, remember who’s volunteering!

Volunteerism is dying. If don’t believe me then where are all the volunteer rescue squads that we once had in Northampton County?

Ronnie Woodard
