Moody chosen

Published 4:31 pm Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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JACKSON – A former member of the Northampton County Board of Education will return to the board soon to serve out the rest of an unexpired term.

Catherine Moody was selected by a 4-2 vote during the school board’s regular meeting on Monday, August 12.

She steps into the position following the unexpected death of Lucy Edwards earlier this year. After Edwards’ passing, the board solicited letters from candidates who were interested in serving out the rest of the term, which ends on June 30, 2026.

Four candidates – Moody, Theresa Cade, Gregory Edwards, and Shakila Spruill – were interviewed by the board during a special called meeting last week.

But after the interviews, the board failed to reach a majority decision on which candidate to appoint. There was a three-way tie between Moody, Cade, and Spruill. After a discussion amongst the board, they opted to vote again during their regular meeting on August 12.

This time, Moody received votes from board members Tony Burnette, Garry Elliott, Barbara Stephenson, and Clinton Williams.

Stephenson and Williams previously had voted for Spruill.

Board members Rhonda Taylor and Dr. Marjorie Edwards cast their votes again for Cade, who recently completed a term on the board in June but lost reelection earlier this year.

Moody previously served two terms on the school board from 2000-2008. During that time, she was Chair of the board for six of those years.

She sought another term in 2018. The unofficial results of that election saw Moody earn a seat by one vote over Marjorie Edwards (2,070 to 2,069 votes). But a recount gave the victory to Edwards, again by one vote (2,074 to 2,073).

Moody ran again in 2022, placing fourth in a field of seven candidates. The top three earned seats on the board that year.

During her interview with the board last week, Moody said she’d like to reestablish a Parent-Teacher Association and develop a more non-traditional curriculum to promote student success. She emphasized a focus on the children, and also vowed to help bring in more resources by utilizing relationships she’s built while serving on other boards.

“My vision for Northampton County Schools is that, in the near future, we’ll be in the top 20 in North Carolina,” Moody said.

She will join the board at their regular meeting next month, scheduled for Monday, September 9.

In addition to filling the vacant seat, the school board, at their meeting on Monday, also selected their Chair and Vice Chair as they do annually each August.

Stephenson, who was already serving as Chair following the death of Lucy Edwards, was selected again by unanimous vote to continue in that role. Williams was unanimously chosen as Vice Chair.