‘Plans to Prosper’

Published 3:12 pm Friday, October 25, 2024

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University Relations

MURFREESBORO – A blue wristband with “Plans to Prosper” can be seen on the wrists of the entire Chowan community, a gift from Dr. Rosemary M. Thomas on her inauguration day.

“I invite you to wear this wristband knowing you are in an institution that is in Christ and plans to prosper,” she said.

Dr. Thomas was formally invested as the 24th and first female President of Chowan University on Oct.18 by Austine Evans, Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

“This investiture serves as a formal and public trust of all those who hold Chowan close to their hearts have placed in you,” Evans stated. “It is the commitment on your part to serve, to lead with integrity, and to guide this institution forward in growth, in academic excellence and a steadfast commitment to our mission. With this investiture you are entrusted with the responsibility to champion our values, to embody our dedication to student success and to uphold the traditions that make Chowan University unique.”

Dr. Thomas is well qualified for Chowan University’s presidential position. Prior to coming here she was Executive Vice President, Acting Director of Athletics and Vice President for Enrollment through a 12-year time period at Davis & Elkins College in her native West Virginia. She has shared her skills through volunteer work in numerous capacities, most recently as Director of Rhododendron Girls State, West Virginia Department of The National American Legion Auxiliary Citizenship and Leadership Program. She earned her Doctor of Education at West Virginia University with post doctoral studies at Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Most importantly, Dr. Thomas is a visionary, faith based leader.

Oct. 18 was a day of prayer, a day of celebration and a day of joy, beginning with a morning church service held in the Chowan Chapel, thanking God for grace and His gift of Dr. Thomas. Dr. Chris Wood, President of Davis & Elkins College and a mentor of Dr. Thomas, reminded those attending that leaders within the Christian faith are servants and are touched and called by God’s Spirit.

Carol Taylor quoted Jeremiah 29: 11-14 (International Version) “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you.”

Taylor reminded the congregation that they should reflect on answered prayers that have come their way and remember that God is at work in their lives, “always answering, always guiding, always finding solutions.”

Dr. Thomas is an answer and solution to Chowan’s prayers as she makes plans for the university to prosper.

Dr. Gary A. Ransdell, President Emeritus, Western Kentucky University, said “Rosemary, this job, right now, right here has been your destiny, your professional goal, your lifetime ambition. You’ve worked hard to get here, you’ve earned it and Chowan University will be the beneficiary of that work, those life lessons and of your story. I know you will lead well. I know Chowan will grow and prosper.”

He shared that she has the ability to inspire those around her to achieve goals that stir people and stretch their abilities. Chowan University is seeing this on a daily basis.

Dr. Thomas spoke of her plans to prosper taking shape more than six months ago as she realized the commitment found across the campus and throughout Murfreesboro. The plans grew as the Board of Trustees, faculty and Chowan’s leadership team moved forward with the pivotal curriculum and schedule change focused on Life Skills. The plans continued to grow with the enhancement of religious life and campus ministry. The plans grew even more as a generous donor stepped forward to engage an architectural firm to help develop a master plan for Chowan University for this time and place.

Dr. Thomas asked, “Is it a master plan, or is it our Master’s plan for us? Our master plan is not just about bricks and mortar. It is about changing the look, feel, the future of this campus with attention given to facility usage, branding efforts, engagement levels and community building. All of which are as important as can be at a time such as this. In any event, just last week we had a challenge presented to us. A challenge to raise $50,000 to launch this master plan. Warren Chauncey pledged $5,000 and asked others to join him to reach $50,000. Thanks to board members, friends and campus leaders, we have reached $70,000 as of this moment. One donor said it this way, “We need to get behind this so people know our future is bright and we plan to prosper. That certainly has a nice ring to it, ‘plans to prosper’ and this is only the beginning.

Kemper Baker, Immediate Past Chair of the Board of Trustees, clasps the Chain of Office Medallion on Dr. Rosemary Thomas, the newly inaugurated 24th President of Chowan University. Staff Photo by Cal Bryant

Cecil Holloman, Vice Chair of Chowan’s Board of Trustees, opened the Inaugural Convocation held in the Hawks Athletic Center by noting the university’s founding in 1848 as an all-female institution of higher education. He said 176 years later it has inaugurated its first female president.

Chowan’s diversity was also noted through a parade of flags by students attending the university from numerous foreign countries.

Proclamations of this special occasion were read by and presented to Dr. Thomas from Hertford County Commissioner William “Bill Mitchell, and Murfreesboro Mayor Hal Thomas.

Special greetings to Dr. Thomas were given by Dr. Brad Smith of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina; Dr. A. Hope Williams, President of North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities; Chris Colvin, Commissioner of Conference Carolinas; Barry Bradberry, representing Chowan’s Board of Visitors and Alumni; Dr. Christopher Cook, representing Chowan’s faculty; and Elizabeth Heller, representing Chowan’s student body.