Upset with RCCC

Published 10:02 am Thursday, September 13, 2012

To the Editor:

In 2008 I was a proud graduate of Roanoke Chowan Community College. When I graduated, the faculty and staff were caring and committed to the success of all the students. Somehow in the four years since my exit, things have gone drastically wrong.

The majority of the staff seems to care less if there even IS a student body much less if they succeed in their educational endeavors.


The financial aid office has become a twisted web. Instead of reaching out when students come to that office expressing a financial hardship, they are ignored. Going over that department to the powers that be is also futile, as they too seem to ignore requests and even pleas for help.

The only viable answer that anyone receives is that all the blame lies on the Board of Trustees of the college.

I used to encourage people to further their education at R-CCC, and when the subject is brought up now, people laugh and the typical response is, “I wouldn’t go there if it was the last school in the world!”

If the blame does indeed lie within the hands of the Board, then they need to take notice of the fact that what was once seen as a highly respectable institution of higher learning is quickly becoming a joke!

A. Erin Smithwick
