CADA gains $5,000

Published 8:11 am Monday, September 23, 2013

By Caroline Stephenson


WINTON – CADA got its answer, but perhaps not the one it was looking for.


Sallie Surface, Executive Director of CADA, spoke at the Board of Commissioners meeting here Sept. 3 where she requested Hertford County boost its an annual contribution for the 2013-2014 budget year from $2,000 to $20,000.

The increase in the funding request was due to numerous reasons, including sequestration cuts at the federal level and grant stipulations that would not pay for administrative costs. Her request was tabled until the Sept. 16 meeting, when more information could be provided the Commissioners regarding the contributions of the other three counties that comprise CADA’s service area; Northampton, Halifax, and Bertie.

At the Sept. 16 meeting, Hertford County Manager Loria Williams reported to the Commissioners that according to documents provided by Surface for the 2013-2014 budget year, Bertie contributed $4,800 and Halifax supported CADA with $5,400. The Hertford County Commissioners voted on and then approved CADA for $5,000.

Also approved was $18,000 in reimbursements to CADA for the Assets for Independence Individual Development Account (IDA) program, which helped 18 low-income Hertford County families become homeowners.

In other action at the Sept. 16 meeting, the Commissioners were advised of the progress being made for the new Hertford County E911 building. The Commissioners voted on and approved the Becker Morgan Group out of Wilmington to be the project architects.  A program management consulting firm was approved as well and that is L. R. Kimball.

“Kimball has a history with Becker Morgan,” stated Williams. “Their bid was also significantly lower than the others submitted.”

In the County Manager’s update, Williams informed the Commissioners of the Golden Leaf Foundation’s new Community Based Grant Initiative.  The Foundation is rolling out the Initiative for Northeastern North Carolina counties and then it will progress to other regions in the state over a four-year period.

The goals of the Initiative are to target Tier I counties most in need, to promote long-term economic growth and development, and to do the most good for the most people.  The Initiative will accomplish this by awarding significant grants per county (up to $1.5 million) based on clearly identified priorities that solve needs at the local level.  Counties must apply to participate and present a slate of 1 to 3 priority projects that are “shovel ready.”  Grants are limited to projects that address education, workforce development, physical infrastructure, health care infrastructure, and agriculture.

The County Manager serves as the key contact person of the process and is responsible for submitting a slate of projects that are ready to go.  The application to participate is due to the Golden Leaf Foundation on Oct. 15.