Pastor seeks Senate seat

Published 4:53 pm Sunday, March 16, 2014

WINDSOR – A local minister has opted to bid for the North Carolina District 3 State Senate seat.

Rev. Alan Mizelle of Windsor said he believes that the time has arrived to take government back for the people.

Rev. Alan Mizelle

Rev. Alan Mizelle

“I welcome an opportunity to contribute to the work of the North Carolina General Assembly,” said Mizelle, who earlier in his adult life was a pressman at Pierce Printers in Ahoskie. “If elected I will bring to the position the knowledge I have gained in a lifetime of services to others.


“I am an ordained minister in the Southern Baptist denomination. But I am not a politician. One of the problems of mainstream politics, in my belief, is the lack of ethics, prayer, and God. Our forefathers made this nation and our state great by recognizing the need for all of these in government. Politicians have lost the vision of our forefathers and I intend to bring it back.”

Mizelle’s service to others doesn’t stop with his ministry.

“I served in the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary for 15 years,” he noted. “I have a strong love for those who dedicate their lives to keep us free and safe. This includes all branches of our military, law enforcement offices, firefighters and first responders. I currently sit on my county’s CTC committee. The purpose of this committee is to ensure residents in nursing homes, assisted living homes, and adult care homes are being treated respectfully and their needs are being met. I have strong commitment to the betterment of North Carolina for all of its citizens.”

Mizelle said his campaign promises includes listening to the needs of those in District 3.

“Your voice will be heard in the NC Senate,” he said. “As your senator I will work diligently to find ways to grow our poorest counties and strengthen our richest counties and bring all of our people to a level we deserve to be.

“Every vote that I am physically able to make will be counted; I will sponsor (or co-sponsor) any and all legislation possible that will make District 3 one of the strongest in the NC Senate,” he added.

He wrapped up his campaign notes by saying, “I am not a political party politician – I am a simple man who knows the difference between right and wrong and will make every decision and vote by seeking guidance from almighty God and you. Even if I disagree with the majority – I am a firm believer in being the voice of the people.

“I look forward to being able to represent Bertie, Chowan, Edgecombe, Hertford, Martin, Northampton, Tyrell, and Washington counties as the Senator from North Carolina’s Third District,” he concluded.