Moving forward

Published 10:20 am Monday, March 27, 2017

To the Editor:

Words cannot begin to express the true appreciation our family feels for all the outpouring of love, thoughts, prayers, texts, visits, and donations shared with Brandon during his fight and soon to be success in winning his battle with cancer.

Psalm 126:3 reads, “The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad.” This verse sheds light on God’s work through each of you. He placed each of you in our pathway as a reminder that He remains in control of our lives and through His works we are glad.


Each of you holds a special place in our hearts and have provided us the strength, encouragement, and desire to move forward. There have been and still are days when we feel that we cannot face the next minute, however through scripture and reassurance of prayers we cling close to God and allow Him to carry us.

Our hunger for God’s daily scripture has allowed us to reflect on His promise to us, in 1 Peter 5:7, “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” We recognize that if we continue to have faith and totally trust God, He will provide ALL we need.

Again, Brandon, Tucker, and I want to express to each of you a deep heartfelt “thank you” for all the support shared with us, especially during the fundraisers.

Brandon, Tucker and Michelle Warren
