Local veterans erect war memorial

Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 2, 2006

MURFREESBORO – Whenever our country finds itself in armed conflict, our region has its fair share of representatives in the line of fire.

Several area veterans representing soldiers from as far back as World War II to as recently as the Gulf War have spearheaded an effort to have a tribute to soldiers fallen and those still among us.

About two months ago, local veterans formed a committee to look into erecting a monument to honor area veterans.


The Murfreesboro Town Council not only agreed to the memorial but also decided to have the monument erected in front of Town Hall.

Monday morning Joe Dickerson, Percy Bunch, Bob Hill and Bynum Brown were four committee members on hand to witness the pouring of the concrete for the base of the memorial that will be unveiled on Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11.

The committee has raised about three-quarters of the $50,000 needed to finance the monument, which will be recognized by the Murfreesboro Historical Association.

Dickerson said the memorial has been a long time coming.

&uot;We have put this effort off for years,&uot; Dickerson said. &uot;Several of us got together about six weeks ago and decided to move forward with the fundraising effort.&uot;

The memorial will list names of 350 veterans, some whom have passed, as well as many who are still living.

Dickerson cited several reasons why the memorial has significance in Murfreesboro.

&uot;A memorial like this instills a sense of patriotism to our citizens,&uot; Dickerson said. &uot;Hopefully it will even inspire our youth to be more cognizant of how great of a nation we live in.&uot;

Dickerson noted how the climate of the Vietnam and Iraq wars differ from the national attitude during World War II.

&uot;During the second world war, the entire nation was galvanized behind the effort,&uot; Dickerson noted. &uot;Today many citizens do not have that type of national spirit.&uot;