Thank you, thank you, thank you

Published 11:20 am Monday, December 12, 2011

To the Editor:

As the year rapidly winds down and we vow to start the new year eating better, exercising more and just being more kind to each other, we want to say thank you to all of our partners

The Murfreesboro Recreation Commission could not have served the community with the Diabetes Summit held at Chowan University; the Farm to Fork activity for the youth (field trips to Mount Olive Pickle Company in Mount Olive and a trip to a Mac Donald’s restaurant to learn to buy and eat healthy “fast food”; learning to make healthy meals and snacks at the Murphy Center, culminating in each youth making a cook book) and, the Junior Gardner program which taught the younger children to plant healthy food – none of this would have happened without your help.


Thank you University Health Systems Foundation in Partnership with Roanoke-Chowan Hospital and the Community Health Benefits Program for the $10,000 funding of the Murfreesboro Recreation Department.  Thank you Mrs. Sandra Woodard and Mrs. Lisa Newsome and staff for your guidance and encouragement throughout the process.  None of the above activities nor our physical activities for our youth (Football, Basketball, Tee ball and Soccer) would have been possible.  We were able to serve more youth with more recreational variety than our usual ball participation.

The start up funding for the Albemarle Food Bank’s distribution site at Murfreesboro Baptist Church was a direct outcome of a chance meeting at the Diabetes Summit (See article in the October 15, 2010 News Herald) by Food Bank Personnel (who had their Mobile Unit on display), Mrs. Sandra Woodard, Mrs. Hilary Canipe and Rev. Lee Canipe, Pastor of the Murfreesboro Baptist Church. Another much needed community service initiated by the Community Health Benefits Program, through the University Health Systems Foundation.

Thank you Mayor, Town Administrator, Town Clerk, and Murfreesboro Town Council for your continued moral and monetary support.

Thank you Chowan University for facilitating our physical, year-round activities; thank you Chowan University Security and  Murfreesboro Police Department, ball coaches; Murfreesboro recreation committee; recreation director; 4-H Extension of Hertford and Gates Counties; CADA Head Start/Early Head Start; Hertford-Northampton Smart Start; Hertford County Department of Social Services; Hertford County Health Department; Hertford County Community Health Services; Roanoke Chowan Community Health Center and the RCH Viquest Center RCH.

Gloria Odum

Murfreesboro Recreation Commissioner