Lasker plans to add lawman

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 4, 2006

LASKER – The town of Lasker is moving forward with plans to add a police officer.

According to Mayor Dick Collier, the town has a few volunteers who have offered to work as a police officer and the town board has decided to move in that direction.

Monday morning they were aided by the Northampton County Commissioners when that board donated a 1999 Crown Victoria to the town for use as a police vehicle.


During Monday’s meeting, County Manager Wayne Jenkins asked the commissioners to donate one of the 18 automobiles declared surplus in June to the town.

“County Attorney Charles Vaughan has reviewed the General Statute and determined that it is an appropriate donation,” Jenkins said. “Also, if approved, the vehicle would be used to support a public purpose and would continue the purpose for which taxpayer dollars were expended.”

Jenkins said Sheriff Wardie Vincent has said he would consider donating the equipment to outfit the car after a certified officer was hired.

Commissioner James C. Boone (D-3rd) made the motion to donate the vehicle with Commissioner James Hester (D-1st) offering a second. It passed on a unanimous vote of those present with Commissioner Fannie P. Greene (D-5th) absent.

Collier said the news of the car being donated was welcomed.

“If they passed it, we’ve got the car and we have volunteers that are certified,” he said. “We just have to go through the process.”

The mayor said Lasker would begin applying for a grant to help with the expense.

“The town and the mayor appreciate all the help,” Collier said. “We are well on our way and the commissioners, county manager and sheriff have put us there. They’re all behind us and that helps.”