Courthouse question attracts over 500 responses
Published 11:00 am Wednesday, January 18, 2012
A record was set last week as a R-C News-Herald poll posted on its online edition generated in excess of 500 responses.
Following the saga of Hertford County local government moving the new courthouse construction site away from Winton has sparked public comment over the past few months.
The News-Herald has followed this developing story since September of last year. It was then that the Hertford County Board of Commissioners opted to move the courthouse project after failing to receive a parking variance from the Winton Town Commissioners. The Winton board was concerned about the availability of parking spaces in town during the construction of the new courthouse, originally planned to be built on Tyron Street across from the existing courthouse.
At their Dec. 6 meeting, the county commissioners, in a 3-2 vote, agreed to move forward with a plan to build the new courthouse near Murfreesboro. Two other sites were under consideration – one just west of Winton and the other near the Ahoskie-Union area.
In regards to this ongoing story, the News-Herald asked the following question on our website:
Do you agree with the decision made by the Hertford County Board of Commissioners to move the courthouse to Murfreesboro?
The final vote tally was as follows:
Courthouse needs to be in Winton (68%, 360 votes)
It was the right choice (16%, 87 votes)
Should have been built near Ahoskie (13%, 67 votes)
No opinion (3%, 15 votes)
Total voters: 529
The News-Herald will publish an upcoming story on what unfolded Tuesday night in Winton during a meeting of the county commissioners. That meeting attracted a standing room only crowd and public remarks were made regarding the relocation of the courthouse and county seat.