Dream not fully shared
Published 10:29 pm Tuesday, January 31, 2012
To the Editor:
On January 16, 2012, I participated in the Martin Luther King, Jr. march in Ahoskie.
Unfortunately, today not everyone can share the dream of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I am speaking of the unborn.
Almost a week after the celebration of Dr. King’s birthday, abortionists, “the pro choice” and liberals celebrated the Supreme Court decision known as Roe vs. Wade.
Who does abortion hurt the most?
African-Americans comprise 12.4 percent of the nation’s population, yet account for over thirty percent of the abortions. In larger cities, such as New York, black teens abort two babies for every baby born alive.
The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta has stated since Roe vs. Wade the leading cause of death among African-Americans is abortion. This includes accidents, cancer, heart disease and AIDS combined.
Our representatives, Annie Mobley, Ed Jones and G.K. Butterfield, have all voted pro-abortion. President Obama, arguably, is the most pro-abortion president ever. President Obama on Sunday, January 22, praised the decision of Roe vs. Wade as a good health choice.
I encourage all African-Americans to Google “Maafa21” and decide for yourself.
Donnie Taylor