More jobs for Hertford County?

Published 11:18 am Thursday, February 23, 2012

WINTON – Additional employment opportunities may soon be available here.

At their meeting Monday night, the Hertford County Board of Commissioners approved three measures that will hopefully assist a Winton business in adding 23 new jobs.

According to Hertford County Economic Development Director Bill Early, Alfiniti Logistics, LLC is proposing an expansion to its plant in Winton.


In business since 1986, Alfiniti, formerly Spectube, is known for its expertise in the fabrication and transformation of aluminum products, drawn tubing and extrusions.

“For years the aluminum plant has been a strong part of the local economy in Winton and Hertford County,” Early reminded the commissioners at their Monday meeting. “A little over 10 years ago the fabrication and extrusion facilities were shut down at the Winton location. Alfiniti purchased that facility from Indalex and they have maintained three buildings at the old Winton plant with hopes to be able to grow into those buildings. They are at a point now that they wish to do that.”

Early added that Steve James of Alfiniti, who was present at Monday night’s meeting, will head up the Winton project.

“We want to thank everyone here in Hertford County for the support they have given the company over the last several years,” said James. “We’re excited about being in a position to be able to start expanding the business again in this area and excited over the number of jobs this expansion will bring.”

“What they’re proposing to do is add an additional product line at this facility that will manufacture a specialized aluminum tubing that will be used in the heating and air conditioning industry as well as the automotive industry,” Early noted.

Early said that due to the buildings being vacant for 10 years there are significant renovations and alterations that need to be made. He cited a program offered by the North Carolina Rural Center that can assist with that effort.

He requested the board authorize the chairman to execute an application to the Rural Center for $265,100 to be used in that building reuse project. Early added that the total renovations to those buildings is projected at $530,000. The company’s total expansion is projected at $5 million, to include machinery and the renovations.

If granted, the Rural Center will require a five percent match ($13,255) from Hertford County. The application also requires the commissioners to approve a resolution that states the county wishes to participate in the Rural Center’s Building Reuse and Restoration program and that the county will commit  to providing the five percent local match.

On three separate motions made by Commissioner Howard Hunter III, the board unanimously favored the application to the Rural Center, agreed to the five percent match and approved the resolution.

According to the fact sheet supplied to the commissioners to help them in their deliberation process, the average annual salary of those employed by Alfiniti at its Winton facility was listed at $25,000.

Monday marked the second straight meeting that the county commissioners approved an application to the NC Rural Center’s Building Reuse and Restoration program. Earlier this month the board gave the green light to a resolution of support for the NC Department of Transportation to install a rail spur for Structural Coatings Hertford, LLC. Additionally the board agreed to submit a pre-application to the North Carolina Rural Center for one-half of the projected $400,000 cost to install the rail spur. That $200,000 request also carries a five percent matching grant from the county.

Structural Coatings Hertford, scheduled to open in March, offers state of the art priming and painting of steel plate manufactured at the nearby Nucor Steel plant. The 48,856 square foot manufacturing facility is located near the intersection of NC 461 and River Road outside of Cofield. The company is making a $10 million investment in Hertford County and plans to employ at least 40 workers during its first two years of operation. Early said the average annual wage there is expected to be in the $30,000 range.

About Cal Bryant

Cal Bryant, a 40-year veteran of the newspaper industry, serves as the Editor at Roanoke-Chowan Publications, publishers of the Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald, Gates County Index, and Front Porch Living magazine.

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