Northampton expands water service

Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 21, 2005

JACKSON – Coming soon to a subdivision near you: fresh, clean water.

Thanks to approval from the Northampton County Commissioners and the hard work of the county’s Public Works Department in cooperation with Burr and Associates of Roanoke Rapids, water will soon be made available to 48 potential new households.

The decision came after Northampton County Public Works Director Andy Crew appeared before commissioners, Monday, seeking the county’s approval of water line expansion for three subdivisions.


Two of the water line expansions, located off SR 1214 (River Road) in the Lake Gaston area, otherwise known as Spring Garden Lane and Lands of BEWT, Inc., are being developed by Grover Edwards of Henrico, while the third water line expansion, located off NC 48 North on SR 1201 (Macon Price Road) between Gaston and Interstate 95, the property housing Smith Acres Subdivision being developed by Vernon Bradley of Halifax.

According to Crew, the private developers will furnish funding for construction of the water extensions.

&uot;The addition of these three extensions will make water available to 48 potential new households located within these subdivisions,&uot; Crew said, noting that the county, by the rules and regulations governing the water department, allows this type of line extensions to the system.

&uot;After the construction is complete, the extensions will be conveyed to Northampton County as part of its system with a 12-month warranty against faulty workmanship and materials,&uot; he added.

The 12-month period will begin after the final inspection is conducted and the county takes over responsibility for the line extensions.

Plans, specifications and applications to public water supply were handled by Burr and Associates under the guidance of the Public Works Department.

Burr and Associates previously assisted and designed several water line extensions in subdivisions for other developers in the county.

Commissioners agreed the decision would be subject to review by the county engineer and in keeping with state regulations of Department of Environmental and Natural Resources.

Commissioners also authorized County Manager Wayne Jenkins to sign on behalf of the county.