HC audit receives high marks
Published 12:00 am Monday, February 28, 2005
WINTON – Hertford County Finance Director Robbin Stephenson is doing a good job.
That was the findings rendered by Peter Catalfamo during his presentation of the 2003-2004 Audit Report during Monday night’s meeting of the Hertford County Board of Commissioners.
&uot;Mrs. Stephenson and her staff did an outstanding job last year,&uot; Catalfamo said.
Catalfamo indicated the board received an &uot;unqualified opinion&uot; on the annual audit which was the highest that could be received.
He indicted several areas that had improved during the previous fiscal year.
One such improvement was an addition of $1.5 million to the fund balance in the general fund.
&uot;That was a significant improvement from previous years,&uot; Catalfamo said.
He also said the county had a net change in assets of $109,000 and said there was a significant increase in the county’s tax collection rate which helped the overall fund balance.
The only compliance issue dealt with payables the finance department was unaware of until after June 30 of last year, but he said steps had been taken to correct the problem.
In other business, the board:
* approved a request from Register of Deeds Kathleen Wright to purchase a map scanner;
* received the final audit report for the Hertford-Gates District Health Department;
* approved a request to transfer funds sent to the county by the Hertford-Gates District Health Department to the Hertford County Public Health Authority;
* set a public hearing for 7:30 p.m. March 21 to discuss rezoning property on NC 561 West of Ahoskie;
* listened to an update on &uot;No Wake Zones&uot; in the Chowan and Wiccacon Rivers from County Attorney Charles Revelle;
* tabled a request from Elizabeth Liverman for an ABC permit at Star’s Mini Mart;
* heard an update on legislation issues from Chairman DuPont Davis;
* approved the sale of seven surplus vehicles to be sold at auction at 9 a.m. March 12;
* formally agreed to take back jurisdiction of the one-mile surrounding the town of Winton per the town’s request; and
* voted unanimously to cancel the first meeting in March due to the NACO Conference in Washington, D.C. on the same date.