RC area lists holiday closings

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Due to the holiday, the following is a list of municipalities and county services that will be closed:

Bertie County Governmental offices will be closed December 23, 24 & 27 and reopen on December 28. Offices will also be closed December 31 in observance of New Year’s and reopen on January 3. For county citizens outside city limits, the landfill will be closed December 24, 25 and 26 in observance of the Christmas holiday and December 31 and January 1 in observance of New Year’s with normal business hours to resume on Monday, January 3.

Hertford County Governmental offices will be closed December 23, 24 & 27 and reopen on December 28. Offices will also be closed December 31 in observance of New Year’s and reopen January 3. The county landfill will follow the same schedule as the office buildings, but all seven recycling collection sites will remain open, with the exception of Christmas Day, from 8 a.m.- 6 p.m. Monday-Saturday.


Northampton County Governmental offices will be closed December 23, 24, & 27 and will reopen for regular business on December 28. Offices will also be closed in observance of New Year’s Day on January 3, reopening January 4. Trash pick up for residential, roll off and commercial customers will not be affected since routes will be running Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. Trash pick up for Saturday commercial customers will occur the Friday or Monday following the holiday.

Ahoskie: Town Hall will be closed December 23, 24 & 27 and reopen on December 28. Offices will also be closed on December 31. Trash will be handled according to regular schedule with pick up on December 22 and 24 as well as December 31.

Aulander: Town Hall will be closed December 24, 27 & 28 for the Christmas holiday and January 3 for New Year’s Day. Trash will be picked up on December 23 and as regularly scheduled the week of New Year’s.

Cofield: Town Hall will be closed December 23, 24 & 27 and resume regular business on December 28. Offices will also be closed December 31 in observance of New Year’s and reopen on January 3.

Trash will be picked up as scheduled on Tuesday, December 22 and 28, but will not be conducted on Friday, December 24 or 31 in observance of the Christmas/New Year’s holidays.

Conway: Town Hall will be closed December 23, 24 & 27 in observation of Christmas and reopen December 28 for regular business. Offices will also be closed December 31 for New Year’s and reopen on January 3. Trash pick up will follow the same schedule as Northampton County.

Garysburg: Town Hall will be closed December 23, 24 & 27 and resume regular business December 28. Offices will also be closed January 3 in observance of New Year’s Day. Trash pick up will follow the same schedule as Northampton County.

Gaston: Town Hall will be closed December 23, 24 & 27 and resume regular business December 28. Offices will also be closed December 31 in observation of New Year’s. Trash pick up will follow the same schedule as Northampton County.

Harrellsville: Town Hall will be closed December 24 and December 31 in observation of the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. There will be no alteration in trash pick up schedule.

Jackson: Town Hall will be closed December 23, 24 & 27 and resume regular business on December 28. Offices will also be closed January 3 in observance of New Year’s Day. Trash pick up will follow the same schedule as Northampton County.

Lewiston-Woodville: Town Hall will be open December 23 until noon and remain closed through December 24. They will reopen on December 27 from 8 a.m. to noon and be closed in the afternoon; reopening again December 28 at 1 p.m. Trash will be collected Thursday, December 23 and Monday, December 27.

Murfreesboro: Town Hall will be closed Thursday and Friday. Trash pick up for commercial and residential customers will remain the same.

Powellsville: Town Hall will be closed December 23 through January 5 and reopen for regular business on Thursday, January 6. Regular trash schedules will not be affected.

Rich Square: Town Hall will be closed December 24 & 27 in observation of the Christmas holiday and will reopen on December 28. Offices will also be closed on December 31 in celebration of New Year’s and will reopen January 3 for regular business.

Trash pick up will follow the same schedule as Northampton County.

Seaboard: Town Hall will be closed December 24 & 27 for Christmas and will reopen December 28 for regular business. Offices will also be closed January 3 in observation of New Year’s Day and reopen January 4. Trash pick up will follow the same schedule as Northampton County.

Severn: Town Hall will be closed December 24 & 27 in observation of Christmas and again on December 31 for New Year’s. Trash will be picked up on the regular schedule.

Windsor: Town Hall will close at 1 p.m. December 23 and remain closed through December 28, reopening December 29. Offices will also be closed on December 31 in observation of New Year’s. Trash will be collected December 29 and 30.

Winton: Town Hall will be closed December 23, 24 & 27 for Christmas and reopen December 28. Offices will also be closed January 3 in observation of New Year’s Day and reopen on January 4.

Trash will be collected as scheduled Tuesday, December 21, with no Friday pick-up December 24. Pick-up for the following week will be according to normal schedule.

Woodland: Town Hall will be closed December 23, 24 & 27 for Christmas and reopen December 28. Offices will also be closed December 31 for New Year’s and reopen January 3. Trash schedules will not be affected.